YOU ARE YOUR OWN ENEMY – Pastor Isaac Olutimehin



YOU ARE YOUR OWN ENEMY – Pastor Isaac Olutimehin

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John 1:48 KJV.
Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.


☆☆☆ These days, we tend to fear men and do whatever we like before God.
☆☆☆ What husband cannot do in the presence of his wife, he does behind her and vice versa.
☆☆☆ A man shuts the door, does whatever he pleases behind the closed door, believing that nobody sees him. Really?
☆☆☆ That man has forgotten what the bible says ????

He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see? – Psalm 94:9.

☆☆☆ Beloved, every man knows the evil he does behind closed doors but he has however forgotten that judgement is coming.
☆☆☆ For the bible recorded concerning a king who was once a terror while on the throne ????

“And Adoni-bezek said, Threescore and ten kings, having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered their meat under my table: as I have done, so God hath requited me. And they brought him to Jerusalem, and there he died” – Judges 1:7.

☆☆☆ When Adoni-bezek was commiting those evils, little did he know that God was taking records.
☆☆☆ God now made sure that he was served with the exact punishment he gave to his victims.
☆☆☆ That was when Adoni-bezek now remembered, haaaa; this was the exact punishment I gave to those who I captured in battle.

☆☆☆ Beloved, how do you treat God? As a God who can neither see nor hear?
☆☆☆ Of all the evils you have done which no man sees, how do you now go back to God, who knows all and sees all things, asking for miracles!!
☆☆☆ Am sure a bible verse will suddenly come to your mind here ????

“For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion”.
[16] “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy” – Romans 9:15-16.

☆☆☆ Yes, God will surely show mercy but remember that he God alone decides who receives such mercy. Not by any qualifications of man.
☆☆☆ God may decide to forgive but the scar of sins will remain. Not just that, sin can truncate any destiny and stands as obstacle to prayers.

☆☆☆ Beloved, you are working against the will of God, you are praying; how do you think God will answer you!!
☆☆☆ Every man who experiences unanswered prayers probably knows he is the enemy of himself.
☆☆☆ However, such people will be quick to complain and begin to wonder why God hasn’t answered their prayers.
☆☆☆ Let everyone examine himself says the word of God. Read 1 Corinthians 11:28.

☆☆☆ From our bible verse for today, Nathaniel didn’t know that Jesus saw him even while he was under the tree.
☆☆☆ When you were so sure that no man sees you, God sees and he will surely be waiting to reward you according to your deeds.
✓✓ For the bible says ????

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” – Revelation 22:12.

☆☆☆ Nathaniel didn’t know that Jesus saw him while he was under the tree.
☆☆☆ Jesus even mentioned the type of tree, the fig tree.
☆☆☆ Beloved, God knows your house address, he knows whether you are a tenant or house owner. He even knows what you are doing at the moment.

“And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth” – Acts 9:11.

☆☆☆ God mentioned the street where Saul was, gave the name of his house owner, Judas; and that Saul was praying at the moment.

☆☆☆ One thing many people have forgotten is the fact the devil is not relenting.
☆☆☆ The devil keeps pushing away people from God by making them to commit sins again and again.
☆☆☆ Haven’t you realized that while you are commiting those sins with impunity, the devil is happy and God is angry!! Yet you want to be blessed.

☆☆☆ Any man who refuses to change his ways will surely have God to contend with.
☆☆☆ One thing about God is this, it is very rare for God to stop a man from carrying out his wicked acts.
☆☆☆ God knows that a day will surely come when such a man will need the favour of God.
☆☆☆ For the bible says ????

“The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming” Psalm 37:13.

☆☆☆ Beloved, many people don’t even know that God can laugh. When that day finally comes when this same man needs a favour from God, the bible says ????

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision” – Psalm 2:4.

☆☆☆ Whatever you do, God takes records. Wherever you go, God is there. For the bible says ????

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
[8] If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
[9] If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
[10] Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
[11] If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
[12] Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee” – Psalm 139:7-12.

☆☆☆ Beloved, don’t be your own enemy. Don’t become the stumbling block to your miracles.
☆☆☆ If you are experiencing delays or you discover that you have been praying and no positive change; please check your life and amend your ways.

✓✓ Some people are busy praying against enemies, whereas, they are their own enemies.
✓✓ Many others are busy fasting and praying to pull down mountains, little did they know that they are the mountain that must first be dealt with.

Please pray the following prayers

  1. Father, don’t allow me to become my own prayer point.
  2. I refuse to be my own enemy.
  3. Father, in the name of Jesus, help me to understand myself.
  4. Oh God my father, please release upon me the grace to discover my shortcomings and do the needful.
  5. I will not labour in vain on the altar of prayers.
  6. I come before your throne Lord, please purge me of every unnecessary attachment holding me down.
  7. On the day of my need, please Lord, let Mercy speak for me.
  8. I refuse to cooperate with the devil to stagnate my life.
  9. Every stubborn habit that can stand against me on the day of my miracle, fire of God, consume it now.
  10. Father, deliver me from the battle of self.

✓✓ I pray for you today, the devil will not use you against yourself in Jesus name.
✓✓ In the name of Jesus I decree, God will deliver you from the battle of self.
✓✓ Those dangerous habits that you are still struggling with, I decree, the Lord will purge you today in Jesus name.
✓✓ May you not pray amiss and labour in vain on the altar of prayers in Jesus name.
✓✓ Gehazi was his own enemy, I decree, you will not become your own enemy on the day of your breakthrough in Jesus name.
✓✓ I pray for somebody out there, may your life not be cut short by that particular thing that is engaging your attention now.
✓✓ I decree and declare, every secret sin shall be exposed and victims delivered in Jesus name.
✓✓ Receive grace in abundance to hate what God hates and love what He loves.
✓✓ You will not cooperate with the devil to ruin your life.
✓✓ Your life shall not be cut short at the peak of shinning in Jesus name.

God bless you.

The Lord’s day prophetic prayers and messages with Pastor Olutimehin Isaac.

Pastor Olutimehin Isaac is a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
For prayers and counselling, please call or send me a watts app message on +234 8033916074.
You can also connect me on facebook @ Isaac Olutimehin.
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You may also wish to join any of my prayer groups on facebook ????






▪If you are being blessed by my daily online messages and prayers and you want to join as a partner to support this work, you are most welcome.
▪You can be sure that I will constantly be praying for you.
▪You can send me an inbox message or email or call +234 8033916074 for more details.
▪God will surely bless your seed sown in Jesus name.

You are blessed

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