THAT WHICH YOU ARE AFRAID OF CAN KILL – Pastor Isaac Olutimehin TEXT: Job 3:25 KJV.



Job 3:25 KJV.
“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me”.

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☆☆☆ Can you read this verse again and again with a perfect understanding!!
☆☆☆ Today, many people are afraid to take risks because of the fear of failure and yet they still fail in other aspects of life.
☆☆☆ Once you allow fear to have a root in your life, you will surely encounter failure and disappointment in most things you do.


☆☆☆ Check this out, risk takers are the ones succeeding in life while those who are afraid to take risks are ruled by them.
☆☆☆ As children of God, the bible encourages us to commit our ways into God’s hand and then take giant strides.

“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” – Psalm 37:5.

☆☆☆ Once you commit a thing into the hand of God, put your trust in him for a successful ending.
☆☆☆ Many people are afraid of the enemies but remember what the bible says ????

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord , and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord” – Isaiah 54:17.

☆☆☆ The above verse is an assurance for every child of God that the enemy has failed even before dreaming to attack us. Why?

☆☆☆ The bible equally proves this ????

“Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy” – Isaiah 54:16.

☆☆☆ The materials being put together by the enemies to fight the children of God are actually created by God.
☆☆☆ God knows the components and the “secrets” of those weapons and will surely render them ineffective over his own children.
☆☆☆ What a mighty and a loving God we serve.
☆☆☆ This should give every child of God the boldness to even challenge the enemies in battle.
☆☆☆ For again the bible says ????

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” – 2 Timothy 1:7.

☆☆☆ Beloved, this was the spirit of David when he confronted Goliath.
☆☆☆ Hear the little boy, David, challenging Goliath, the giant ????

“Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied”.
[46] “This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel”.
[47] “And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s , and he will give you into our hands” – 1 Samuel 17:45-47.

☆☆☆ Did you hear David? That was a boy who knew and believed in the God he served.
☆☆☆ He eventually triumphed over Goliath. He saw, through the eye of faith, that Goliath fell and that was exactly what happened.
☆☆☆ Once you are on the side of God, every stumbling block on your way, to the top, becomes a ladder to success.
☆☆☆ Get rid of fear and success will surely come your way.

☆☆☆ Please note, the one who has tried and failed is better than the fellow who has never made any attempt.
☆☆☆ A student who writes an examination and fails is better than the one who hasn’t made an attempt.
☆☆☆ The one who fails already has an advantage over the student who hasn’t gone for the same examination.
☆☆☆ The latter doesn’t know the instructions but the former already does.

☆☆☆ Beloved, failure is success turned inside out. The more you encounter failure, the closer you are to success.
☆☆☆ Have you ever noticed that the danger you are afraid of, often happens to you!!
☆☆☆ Kill the spirit of fear today and see success smiling at you.

1. Declare with your own mouth: I refuse to be a servant of fear in Jesus name.
2. Fear shall not have dominion over my life.
3. Again declare this boldly: I am a terror to fear in Jesus name.
4. I take my position in Christ and I reclaim all that fear has stolen from me.
5. Oh God my father, rekindle the fire of the Holy Ghost upon my life on the altar of prayers.
6. I receive the spirit of boldness to confront my Goliath.
7. My Goliath must die in Jesus name.
8. Every emptiness that has filled my life due to fear, disappear now in Jesus name.
9. Father, let every door of breakthrough that I shall knock henceforth, with faith, open for me in Jesus name.
10. You spirit of fear, you can no longer keep me stagnated, I am taking a step of faith and my life shall move forward in Jesus name.

✓✓ I decree and declare, fear will not kill you before your day of fulfillment in Jesus name.
✓✓ Receive the spirit of boldness to take what belongs to you in Jesus name.
✓✓ I decree and declare, the danger you have always been afraid of shall not befall you in Jesus name.
✓✓ In the name of Jesus, I paralyse the activities of every agent of the devil over your life.
✓✓ I decree, henceforth, fear will see you and run, trouble will see you and flee.
✓✓ As the year is runnung to a close, I decree, there shall be no evil report concerning you and yours in Jesus name.
✓✓ You will breakthrough the hosts of the wicked and encounter success in Jesus name.
✓✓ For you, I decree, no more limitations, the Lord will expand and enlarge your coasts in Jesus name.
✓✓ You are already flying higher in Jesus mighty name.

Happy Day.

You are blessed.

The Lord’s day Prophetic prayers and messages by Pastor Olutimehin Isaac.

Pastor Olutimehin Isaac is a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
For prayers and counselling, please call or send me a watts app message on +2348033916074.
You can also connect me on facebook @ Isaac Olutimehin.
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You may also wish to join any of my prayer groups on facebook ????



Remain blessed ????????


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