STOP DICTATING TO GOD, OR ELSE.. : Pastor Isaac Olutimehin



STOP DICTATING TO GOD, OR ELSE.. : Pastor Isaac Olutimehin

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2 Kings 5:12 KJV.
“Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not wash in them, and be clean? So he turned and went away in a rage”.


☆☆☆ Naaman came to meet the servant of the most high God, prophet Elisha, to be cleansed of his leprosy.
☆☆☆ He was so full of himself and conscious of his position, as the “captain of the host of the king of Syria”. Read 2 Kings 5:1.
☆☆☆ This same Syria had been a terror to the land of Israel for years. Naaman therefore expected that when Elisha, the prophet of God, heard he was around;👇

“He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper”. Read 2 Kings 5:11.

☆☆☆ Beloved, Naaman would have lost his miracle because of pride but for the intervention of that young maid who God sent as his angel of miracle.
☆☆☆ Today many people miss their miracles because they are busy dictating to God the process their miracle should take.
☆☆☆ Stop dictating to God beloved, or else, you will lose your miracle. Remember that his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts. Read Isaiah 55:8.
☆☆☆ Only God can decide the form your miracle will take. His method will never agree with the common sense of man.
☆☆☆ Many people hang their faith, to receive a miracle, on certain men of God. Beloved, only God can decide who he will use as the agent of your miracle.
☆☆☆ Others search out for beautiful parishes to worship, thinking that miracles will be faster in such parishes. How wrong can they be!
☆☆☆.The bible says👇

“Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off” – Psalm 138:6.

☆☆☆ Only the humble can receive from God. God is not a respecter of persons.

“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons” – Acts 10:34.

☆☆☆ God will not relate with you according to the position you occupy or the title you hold.
☆☆☆ Thank God for the life of a king, in south west Nigeria, who knelt down in church to pray. The ignorant ones criticized him for kneeling down. They believed it is a taboo for a king to kneel down before anyone. The king however responded that he had knelt down before the King of all kings.

☆☆☆ Beloved, let God have his way in your life. Remember, the clay cannot tell the porter how it should be fashioned. Read Isaiah 45:9.
☆☆☆ God may decide to use your driver as the agent of your miracle.
☆☆☆ He may even decide to use your house maid, as in the case of Naaman, as your angel.
☆☆☆ All that God requires of us is humility.

“Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly” – Proverbs 3:34.

1. Father, please don’t allow me to argue away my miracles.
2. On the day of my divine encounter, please Lord; let me obey your instructions.
3. Oh God my father, connect me with my own assigned divine helpers.
4. Please Lord, grant me the grace to accept your will for my life.
5. Wherever you are leading me Lord, please grant me the grace to follow.
6. Father, let the Holy Spirit prevail over the dictates of the flesh in my life.
7. In my walk with God, I slaughter every spirit of pride standing on my way.
8. On the day of my solution, please Lord, don’t allow me to dictate to you.

I pray for you today, pride will not rob you of your miracles in Jesus name.
I decree, your position shall not stand between you and your miracle in Jesus name.
I decree and declare, you will not make a choice that will be a stumbling block between you and your blessings in Jesus name.
May you not become an obstacle to your breakthrough in Jesus mighty name.
I decree, you will not miss your own Elisha in Jesus name.
I pray for somebody reading this prayer message today, may you not reject the plan and purpose of God for your life in Jesus name.
You will not miss your miracle in Jesus name.

You are blessed.

*The Lord’s day Prophetic prayers and messages with Pastor Olutimehin Isaac.*

Pastor Olutimehin Isaac is a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
For further prayers and counselling, please call or send me a watts app message on +2348033916074.
You can also connect me on facebook @ Isaac Olutimehin.
Pastor Olutimehin Isaac also writes every Sunday in Our Heritage reporters.
My email address:
You may also wish to join any of my prayer groups on facebook 👇



Remain blessed 🙏🙏

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