Oh God of Elijah! Let my morning come – By Dr. D.K Olukoya



Oh God of Elijah! Let my morning come – By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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Joshua was fighting a battle and he was winning. When he saw that the day was advancing and it would soon be evening when evening would be dark, he commanded the sun to stand still and it did. That day continued and darkness was restrained. He did that because he wanted to obtain victory and God sanctioned it. As the day was prolonged on his side, the moon stood still on the other side of the continent.


So, there was a prolonged night there. God allowed Joshua to prolong the day and this shows us that God is ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of His children. He did it with His only begotten son; and that has redeemed man back to Him. God does not mind destabilizing unbelievers to satisfy His children. While His children had daylight, the unbelievers for His children. While the Egyptians were being troubled by the plagues, the Israelites had no problem in Goshen. If the joy of the children need a longer day, He will grant it, even if it means darkness to unbelievers. God does not mind killing, removing, sacking, sweeping away anything or anyone to satisfy His children.

For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. [4] Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.

There was a woman who had a school and she found out that her pupils were leaving for other schools. The children found her school boring; the other schools were thriving. One day, she attended M.F.M crusade, where she heard a message like this and found out that God could do what he did for the Israelites in Isaiah 43:3-4 for her. She made up her mind to receive it. On that day, she prayed the kind of prayers that l am suggesting below and something happened. It was on a Friday. She prayed violently, by the following week, the two other schools had started having problems with the government and they were closed down. The pupils from these schools rushed to hers and she now had a new but pleasant problem; she could not take all of them and she needed more teachers. The Lord God Almighty, who did hers is ready to do yours. He has not changed. We serve a God who has no respect for human logic. The problem with many people is the fact that they allow their brains to get involved in their faith. They allowed what they have learnt in school to affect their reasoning against faith. When you want to trust God, you have to forget about logic or normalcy. When God begins to work in your life, what He will do, will be strange to you and also, it will look like pure insanity to your neighbours.

I worked in a laboratory where l was the only black man in the midst of Britons. As a scientist in that university, l could not minister, l could hardly witness, so l started praying that God should make a way for me. The day the opportunity came, the Lord was exalted. God is a god of signs and wonders. There was a lady who used to serve us tea and coffee in the mornings. She would go through the corridor with her tray, announcing her arrival by saying ā€œAnyone for coffee, anyone for tea?ā€ On that day, we heard her voice as usual and suddenly we had a big bang, with the clanging of teacups and saucers on the floor. She had fallen. By the time we got there, she had given up the ghost. The hospital doctor was sent for and he certified her dead. Everybody was puzzled; the lively lady that used to serve us tea was dead.

Suddenly, I stepped forward as they bent to pack her up. I said I wanted to pray .It sounded ridiculous. They said l called myself a scientist and l said l wanted to pray for someone who is obviously dead. They asked if l had forgotten simple Biology that once there was supply of oxygen; the person was dead? If l examined why they said, they were right, but l did not mind them. I then prayed a simple prayer point: Let the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ; fall upon this body now, in the name of Jesus.

Summary: God does not mind killing, removing, sacking, sweeping away anything or anyone to satisfy His children.

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