MIRACLE in Promisedland Church Akure as healing water reveals knitting pin inside child’s body after 6 Days



MIRACLE in Promisedland Church Akure as healing water reveals knitting pin inside child’s body after 6 Days

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The whole congregation were astonished and busted into joyous mood as one of the deaconesses in the church, Deaconess Oluseun shared a living testimony of what God did in the life of her daughter Testimony through God’s anoiting of His prophet, Gbenga Akinbiyi.


While sharing the testimony, Oluseun explained her daughter also enrolled for entrepreneurial studies in her school.

The deaconess noted that she got an emergency call from her daughter’s school.

She said: “My name is Deaconess Oluseun. I was called from my daughter’s school that my daughter Testimony could not walk.

“Immediately I rushed down. I asked her what happened, she said knitting pin penetrated her butt during their entrepreneurship class.

“I asked her where is the pin, she said it has disappeared. I was wondering, did it develop a wing to fly ? Jocularly.

“We went home together, I started her treatment.

“There was a time Baba Akinbiyi mandated us to come and collect water for every child.

“I decided to be applying this water on the affected part of her body. After some days, it became obvious that substance is in the body.

“Whenever I touches it, I started feeling that truly something like needle is within.

“On one Sunday service, she walked perfectly, I asked her why are you pretending ?

“Later I got to know that she did that because she wanted to performed a drama in the church that day.

“I took her to hospital and she was operated upon, to my own and everyone amazement, a long knitting pin was surgically removed from her butt after 6days.

“The doctors and the nurses were asking how did it happened and what manner of miracle is this.

Reacting to the miracle done by God, the church Senior Pastor, Gbenga Akinbiyi admonishes that total obedience to the dictates of God is what brings breakthrough.

He stressed further that disobedience leads to total destruction.

“I have been saying it that total obedience is what you need to come out of your life challenges.

“Assuming the mother disobeyed, and ignored the call of taking that healing water. It would have been so disastrous. Akinbiyi added.

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