Mark 8 : 27 – 29
Shortly after restoring the sight of the blind man at Bethsaida Jesus asks his disciples “Who do men say that I am?” and after getting several answers – John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets – he asks Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter replies: “You are the Messiah.” Peter’s eyes are opened.”
Brethren – I encourage u this morning — Know whom u are !!!! Know your worth!
If you flock with penguins, you will never fly like eagles.
Once you know your worth, how people values you becomes irrelevant.
Yes , they despise me for wanting to Soar , They are angry with me, because I know what I am.” They only want me to peck at the dirt, looking for ants, with them. But I can’t do that. I don’t have chicken feet, I have eagle wings.” I soar
They will hate you , once they realize that you are an eagle : They will like to recreate u & make you to think you are a chicken so that you will peck at the ground looking for ants and worms with them, so that you will never know that you are an eagle and always think yourself a chicken.
REMAIN AN EAGLE ( at all cost – don’t compromise)
Let them hate you, they will always be chickens, and you will always be an eagle.
They are d one suffering and living in abject poverty of ideas in d midst of plenty, , while u are making bold moves & living in absolute luxury
Let d haters hate — while You fly and soar like d eagles
U will succeed : Blessed be d name of d Lord
Banji Alabi Esq