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Every society, however battered ,will always have its doyen at one point in time or the other.
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that Dr Abiola Oshodi is a special breed of humanity created for the good of the land and its inhabitants. And he hasn’t failed in that calling.


By his conduct and disposition, he is proving to us that to make an impact in life,one really does not need a rich background but a rich mindset. From no spoon at all let alone a silver one, Dr Oshodi,today, is ruling his world not selfishly but for the good of many. With Abiola Oshodi Foundation created even before he nursed the idea of having a shot in politics, many lives are being touched in a varieties of ways. His empowerment goes beyond grinding machine or motor bikes but education that can make the youths of today rule their world tomorrow. His assertion is that if we fail to train the youths of today, they may become clogs in the wheels of the progress of the country if now but in the future.

As a young man desirous of a better tomorrow, he opted for medicine as a choice of calling. What a futuristic person in Dr Oshodi! Generally known to be a profession of compassion and care, the profession truly reshaped his mindset from that of a man which amasses wealth selfishly and crazily to that of which the wellbeing of the vast majority is his priority. And he is leaving one in doubt in that regard.

A man who has the knack to break walls of hopelessness, lack and impossibilities ,this Owo/Ose Federal Constituency hopeful keeps, on daily basis, making many kiss fame and prosperity. The attestations of many in that regard are endless.

Standing on a tripod of selflessness, love and compassion, Dr Oshodi symbolizes anything that has to do with the good of the common man. As a big tree, he keeps providing adequate shield and shade to many while also giving hope to the hopeless thereby increasing the per capital ratio of the country. According to him, ”Nigeria is changeable if leaders will change their orientation”. He stated further that “as long as we have those who care less for the good of the vast majority of pauperized Nigerians in government, the country cannot make any progress as according to him, an hungry man is an angry man”.

As a Canadian based medical doctor,Dr Oshodi isn’t out for crazy acquisition of wealth. His priority is to use his international exposure to make this Federal Constituency primus inter pares, a first among equals. While others will be running unnecessarily after fame and wealth, he will be busy scouting for interventions, locally and internationally, to better the lots of his constituents.

It is therefore won’t be out of place to posit that the best man for this job as a member of House of Representatives (Owo/ Ose Federal Constituency) is no other person than Dr Abiola Oshodi.
For a better representation, purposeful leadership, Dr Oshodi is well equipped.
For sincerity of purpose, Dr Oshodi is a chief.
To birth a federal constituency where the lost glories of the people SHALL be restored as quickly as possible,Dr Abiola Oshodi stands tallest

You have a choice to change the cause of this Federal Constituency for the better with your support for Dr Abiola Oshodi!
This is really an issue between light and darkness. And as for me and my household, we will go for light.

Think Abiola Oshodi, propagate his gospel and we all shall be good for it!

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