Democratic Socialist Movement Calls For Nationwide Strike, Mass Protest Against Tinubu Government




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Democratic Socialist Movement Calls For Nationwide Strike, Mass Protest Against Tinubu Government


According to DSM, the anti-poor policies by President Tinubu’s government, including naira devaluation, are part of a neo-liberal offensive that has seriously compounded the economic crisis that actually preceded his government.


Civic group, the Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM), has called for a nationwide strike and mass protest against the President Bola Tinubu administration’s anti-poor policies.


The DSM, which made the call in a statement issued on Monday by its Organising Secretary, Peluola Adewale, said that the latest increment in the price of petrol in the country was another proof that there was no let off for working people and the poor from the devastating attacks on the living standards by the Tinubu’s government.


According to DSM, the anti-poor policies by President Tinubu’s government, including naira devaluation, are part of a neo-liberal offensive that has seriously compounded the economic crisis that actually preceded his government.

“As a result, many Nigerians have been plunged deeper into poverty, depreciation of quality of life and economic hardship, while large parts of the economy are imploding and society shows signs of disintegration.


“We of the Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) join the working masses and youth to condemn the hike in petrol price and call for the reversal of all anti-poor capitalist policies which are at the root of the current mass economic hardship.


“Certainly, action is needed to get out of this mess. And truly, working people and youth, through a series of pockets of protests against mass hunger which broke out in February and #EndBadGovernance protests which started off in August, have demonstrated an indication of their preparedness for mass resistance against the anti-poor policies.


“We of the DSM are committed to contributing to the ongoing efforts at building the #EndBadGovernance movement such that it is capable of consistently organizing a series of nationwide mass actions to win immediate steps to improve living standards and also provide a basis for a mass political alternative.


“At the same time, we call on workers and trade union activists to agitate at workplaces, factory floors and trade union organs for the leadership of the organized labour especially the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) to act responsibly and seriously in defence of the interests of ordinary workers,” the statement noted.


The group said that the labour leadership at best hardly go beyond radical words and token actions in the face of the raging neo-liberal attacks.


It stated, “There have also been different disturbing examples of labour leaders issuing ultimatums or threats without any follow-up action despite the government ignoring the demands or even doubling down with further attacks.


“Sadly, it is the lack of a serious fightback from the NLC and TUC that has handed Tinubu’s government a field day to confidently unleash vicious attacks on workers and ordinary people.”


The DSM further stated that there was also a deafening silence to the wave of outrageous fee hikes in tertiary institutions, noting that it appears the labour leaders have accepted, or capitulated to the neo-liberal economic programme or are confused as a result of lacking a clear-cut alternative to the neo-liberal programme of the government.

“We also find it worrying that sometimes the NLC leadership, apparently in a desperate bid to absolve themselves of responsibility, would make a statement that suggests naivety.


“Therefore, we reiterate our call on workers and trade union activists to agitate within the trade union movement, workplaces and communities for the return to the tradition of Labour opposing neo-liberal capitalist agenda and capitalism itself which naturally militate against the interest of workers and the poor masses.”


The group said that there is a need for a conference of the broad labour movement including trade unions, left activists and socialists to discuss what should be the alternative program to the prevailing capitalist economic program and how to rebuild Labour’s fighting traditions.


It noted, “At such a meeting, we will argue why a socialist alternative is the only program that can guarantee decent life and meet the aspiration of the vast majority of the populace on a permanent basis.


“This will also mean building of a mass movement to constantly and consistently resist anti-poor capitalist policies and at the same time struggle to take over political power and form a government on the basis of a socialist program which entails a planning where the needs of the vast majority and society, not the greed of a few as presently obtained, will form the basis of economy and governance.


“We call on workers and trade union activists to agitate and mount organized pressure on the NLC and TUC leaders to immediately declare a 48-hour general strike and nationwide mass protest, as a first step, to demand the reversal of petrol price hike and other anti-poor policies of the Tinubu government.”


The DSM said that if the current labour leaders cannot lead the fight to defend the interest and economic wellbeing of ordinary Nigerian workers, they should be asked to vacate their positions and be replaced by those who can.


“At the same time, as has happened before like in 2012, initiatives can be taken to build a movement, such as #EndBadGovernance movement, from below aiming to gather a wider echo and active support when the official labour leaders choose to do nothing.


“Such steps are necessary given the severe crisis the country is in and the growing hunger throughout the land,” the group added.


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