Dangerous Warning Signs You Should Not Ignore With Your Tongue



Dangerous Warning Signs You Should Not Ignore With Your Tongue

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Some red flags can seem quite unusual so it’s vital to know what to look for in case of something serious. Some of the most unusual signs to watch out for include white patches, bumps, soreness and the feeling of burning.


Below is a list of 10 warning signs to be aware of and what they mean, according to the NHS.


White patches

A white tongue can be a sign of a health condition, such as anaemia, scarlet fever, lichen planus, leukoplakia, geographic tongue, mouth ulcers or oral thrush. Creamy white patches could be a sign of the fungal infection thrush, often caused when the health of your mouth is thrown off balance by medication or illness.


Hard, white flat patches that can’t be scraped away could, in serious cases, be a condition called leukoplakia, which may develop into mouth cancer over time.


‘Hair’ or ‘fur’ on your tongue


Hairy tongue is a medical condition where the surface of the tongue takes on a discoloured and furry appearance. Usually white, black or brown in colour, it may seem unpleasant.


However, hairy tongue is a relatively harmless condition that can be easily dealt with in most cases. It is caused by proteins turning natural lumps and bumps on the tongue into longer strands which get food and bacteria caught in them.


Black tongue

Black hairy tongue is the name given to the appearance of an abnormal coating of the tongue. It is a non-cancerous condition caused by the papillae (finger-like projections overgrowing on the surface of the tongue).

The cause is unknown although there are some contributing factors, including: Poor oral hygiene, smoking, alcohol, stains from food and drink and use of chlorhexidine mouthwash (e.g. Corsodyl) may cause staining of the papillae.



Often there are no symptoms other than the unpleasant appearance or anxiety over its cause. Some patients complain of gagging, nausea, altered taste or halitosis.


Good oral hygiene is essential as is stopping smoking. Other recognised treatments include brushing with a soft toothbrush and eating fresh pineapple (not tinned or pasteurized).


If you have taken an antacid it could well have an ingredient called bismuth in it. This can stain the tongue when it mixes with saliva. It is thought to be harmless and should go away once you’ve stopped taking the medicine.


Bright red tongue

A bright red tongue could be an indicator of Kawasaki disease, a serious, rare disease usually found in children that causes the inflation of blood vessels. It can also be a symptom of scarlet fever – a contagious infection that mostly affects young children but can be easily treated with antibiotics.


If you find your tongue is smooth and red, alongside pain in your mouth, it could be a sign of a vitamin B3 deficiency.




Burning feeling

Burning mouth syndrome is the medical term for ongoing or recurring burning in the mouth without an obvious cause. You may feel this burning on your tongue, gums, lips, inside of your cheeks, roof of your mouth or large areas of your whole mouth.


If it feels like you’ve burned your tongue on a hot drink or you have a recurring metallic taste, this could be a sign of nerve issues. Burning mouth syndrome usually comes on suddenly, but it can develop slowly over time.


Often the specific cause can’t be found. Other conditions like acid reflux and diabetes can cause this feeling too.


Smooth tongue

A lack of nutrients in the body can lead to your tongue feeling smooth, with little to no bumps on it. It may also look as if your mouth has a glossy texture to it.


Usually this is down to a lack of iron, folic acid and B vitamins. Infections, coeliac disease and some medications can also cause this. However, if the patches are smooth but present alongside bumpy patches, it could be a benign condition called geographic tongue.

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