Be Wise : School Doesn’t Guarantee Success, Learn Other Things
Going to school is good but don’t let chasing a degree fool you
Sometimes, school is a scam.
The chances that you are going to make it with your degree are very, very minimal.
Earth is hard.
The moment you learn how to read and write start looking for something you can learn beyond the four walls of tertiary institutions.
No university on earth is teaching any course about HOW TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS, success is not taught in school as a course.
You need to be wise.
There is so many graduates with degrees that are perishing with their degrees; they are helpless, broke, and poor.
All I am saying is that you need more than the degree to suicide in life, especially in today’s world.
There are already too many people with degrees who are unemployed, and joining the cue will take you decades before it gets to your turn.
This is why you must not just rely on chasing a degree; you need to have a serious plan B; in today’s world, there are skills you can learn that can change the outcome of your life forever.
You don’t need to be in school to learn those skills, you can learn it anywhere, enough of all this formal education.
How to make money is not taught in school, you learn it in the REAL WORLD.
Break that chain of always seeing yourself as if you won’t make it without a degree.
Trust me, most people in the university don’t even know what they are doing there, the majority of them can’t pass exams without malpractice, the majority read and forget 90% of what they read, the majority sort lecturers to pass, 70% are studying a course they don’t like.
Most people are in university because other people are there and not necessarily because they really know what they are going there to do.
Again our educational system is messed up.
If you know you need to do malpractice to pass, and you have no passion for schooling formally, just sit back at home and take your 4-5 years and learn a skill, trade, or business.
Trust me you won’t regret it. You will never go to bed hungry.
Formal education is good for those whose Destiny is in it.
Be wise.