It is time for us to think more of solving our numerous national problems than to wallow in criticism.
Your little positive impact and contribution will be an added advantage towards remedying the country’s plight …
Turn on the light of hope and work towards regaining the country’s lost image, so that we can all be globally recognised and respected as a Nigerian…
Be a true compatriot that do not only talk but take part in advancement and improving of this country…
Represent your country in honesty, transparency and Sincerity..
Be the figure that promote the course of national unity, peaceful coexistence and be a driver of development of this great nation.
Hope must be kept alive as we all put forth our collective efforts in changing the destiny of this nation to a better one…
We must not let our challenges bend us to our knees…
we are endowed with lot of potentials and strength, let us sincerely use our collective strength in developing our nation…
We can Channel our resentment and gall to righting the wrong perceived…
Our hope of being great is inherent in our good attitude, cohesion, trust, endurance and team work..
we are people of good character and repute, we must demonstrate and display such unprecedented good character to the world..
We must appreciate the fact that we shared same race and origin, this is why we must rewrite our story and let the future generation have history to learn…
We must not undermine the spirit of love in our coexistence and our sense of humor towards each other must be maintained, sustained and appreciated…
We must uphold and promote the spirit of brotherhood…
I vow never to say ill words about my country…
But to always protect her interest anywhere and to always do the right thing, even if no one is watching …
The clarion call should be remembered, a call to serve and showing total commitment and obedient to our fatherland…
We own this country our good attitude, loyalty and compulsory duty to relentlessly serve without any form of fear and religion, tribal sentiment….
Condemn every evil thing done against this country, and be good enough to always maintain your integrity in line of your duty…
Be a good ambassador of your Country…
This is our home and abode…
You can only admire America, but Nigeria is your home..
Let your sentiment be driven towards making the Country a place to be proud of…
Play your part today…
The country needs you and i…
Am proudly a Nigerian…