1 Kings 17:9 KJV.
“Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee”.

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☆☆☆ Many people desire breakthrough in life but not many know how to activate the power of breakthrough.
☆☆☆ Those who have an idea on how to activate this, do not have the faith to work out their breakthrough.
☆☆☆ I want to discuss just 3 vital steps you can take to activate your breakthrough 👇

*1. Obey divine instructions.*

☆☆☆ God gave Elijah a specific instruction leading him to a specific place where his specific needs would be met.
☆☆☆ Elijah didn’t query God why he had to send him to a poor widow for sustenance.
☆☆☆ He obeyed and got to Zarephath only to discover that the widow was left with her last meal.
☆☆☆ Yet Elijah didn’t turn back to God saying he was in a wrong location.

☆☆☆ Beloved, the one God has prepared to be a blessing to you may not necessarily be wealthy.
☆☆☆ God may want him just to give you that information you need to get to where your blessings are waiting.

■■■ Pastor J.T Kalejaiye said, you don’t have to be in UK before you can be Ok.
■■■ You don’t have to go to China before you will begin to shine.

☆☆☆ Follow divine instructions and you are settled.
☆☆☆ You need a job?
☆☆☆ God might want to test your faithfulness before connecting you with that man/woman he has prepared to employ you.

■■■ Years ago, a man misplaced his handset. He later called the line and a young boy answered the call. The owner was pleading with him to return the phone because of the vital information kept in it. The young boy assured him he would return the phone. They both agreed on a location where to meet and they met.
■■■ After the man got back his phone, he compensated the faithful young boy with #20,000 cash. The young man looked at him and said, “sir, thank you for this cash reward but I would prefer if you could get me a job”.

■■■ Little did he know he was talking to a company executive. He eventually got a job and his monthly salary was three times the amount he was first offered as compensation for returning the phone.

☆☆☆ The bible says 👇

“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men” – 1 Corinthians 1:25.

☆☆☆ You need a spouse? Allow God to lead you.
☆☆☆ Stop looking up on people’s profiles on the Internet.
☆☆☆ Your spouse is not on the Internet but in intensive communion with God.

☆☆☆ Hear God speak 👇

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord” – Isaiah 55:8.

■■■ I don’t know who God is leading me to by this message. I counsel you to please obey God and follow his divine directions.

☆☆☆ Your desire may not be met where you have put all your expectations but put your hope in God and he will surely direct your steps.

*2. Cultivate the attitude of thanksgiving.*

Read Luke 17:11-19.

☆☆☆ Ten lepers were cleansed but only one came back to appreciate what the Lord did.
☆☆☆ Listen to what Jesus said 👇

“There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger”.
[19] “And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole” – Luke 17:18-19.

☆☆☆ Many people receive and just conclude there is no need to give thanks.
☆☆☆ Your joy can only be full when you return all glory to God just like the “stranger” did.

☆☆☆ I understand some people have the mindset that whatever they receive has been destined to be given to them. So no need to give thanks.
☆☆☆ A lady once said, if she has been destined ride in a car to her destination, God will make someone available who will take her there.
■■■ Haaaa. So, no need to give thanks !!!

☆☆☆ Beloved, when somebody gives you something and you go back to appreciate, he will be encouraged even to do much more.

■■■ I make bold to say this beloved, those who have the mind of appreciation can never be stranded in life.
■■■ They can never lack help and support as they journey through life.

*3. Sow a seed to activate your breakthrough*

☆☆☆ When you are convinced that God is the one leading you, please act in obedience.
☆☆☆ You can never know better than God who is leading you.
☆☆☆ The mistakes some people make is to believe they don’t have when God is making a demand of money on them.

☆☆☆ Beloved, what you give in your lack will be much more appreciated by God.

☆☆☆ The woman of Zarephath gave in her lack and God responded by removing lack from her life.

☆☆☆ In Genesis 26:1-12, Isaac sowed during famine and he reaped in abundance 👇

“Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him” – Genesis 26:12.

■■■ If a rich man wants to willingly give to God, for God to really appreciate his giving; he must be able to give something that he will feel the weight or the pain.

☆☆☆ David understood this when he said 👇

“And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing. So David bought the threshingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver” – 2 Samuel 24:24.

■■■ If God will now be the one asking you to give him out of your abundance, he will surely demand for something that will give you pains.

☆☆☆ For example, God knew Abraham could give him money or cattle but he didn’t ask for all that.
☆☆☆ God requested for his only son, whom he loved.

☆☆☆ When Abraham passed that test, God too responded and said 👇

“And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son”:
[17] “That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies” – Genesis 22:16-17.

☆☆☆ When you are giving unto God, give God something good and cheerfully from your heart. That is what you need do to activate your breakthrough 👇

“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully”.
[7] “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” – 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.


1. Father, give me the grace to do those things that will activate my breakthrough in Jesus name.
2. I receive abundant grace to obey divine instructions in Jesus name.
3. I come against every spirit of error at the point of breaking through in Jesus name.
4. Oh God my father, don’t allow me to eat the seed meant to yield my harvest in Jesus name.
5. My father, my father, connect me with my own Elijah in Jesus name.
6. Oh God my creator, create a permanent separation between me and poverty in Jesus name.
7. Henceforth, I step into my season of success and breakthrough in Jesus name.


I pray for somebody today and I decree, the Lord will connect you with those he has prepared to meet your needs in Jesus name.
May you not go the opposite direction of where your blessings are waiting in Jesus name.
■■■ Elijah was not the one who actually needed help but the woman of Zarephath. I prophesy, your Elijah will locate you this season in Jesus mighty name.
I decree and declare, you will not turn down divine instructions leading to your breakthrough in Jesus name.
I prophesy, a miracle that will resuscitate your faith in God is coming your way right now in Jesus name.
In the name of Jesus, I prophesy, your testimonies shall become the prayer points for others.
Arise and get thee to your Zarephath where God wants you to dwell and do well.
You are a miracle waiting to rock and shake your world in Jesus mighty name.

God bless you.

Pastor Olutimehin Isaac is a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
For prayers and counselling, please call or send me watts app message on 08033916074.
You can also connect me on facebook @ Isaac Olutimehin.
My email address :
You may also wish to join any of my prayer groups on facebook 👇


■ If you are being blessed by my daily online prayers and messages and you wish to join as one of my partners in supporting this work, you are most welcome.
■ You can be sure that I will constantly be praying for you.
■ God bless you.

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