Esther 8:2 KJV.
“And the king took off his ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it unto Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman”.
☆☆☆ There were 3 main characters in this story: Mordecai, Haman and the King.
☆☆☆ Mordecai was at his duty post working.
☆☆☆ A reward came later but Haman got the reward instead of Mordecai.
☆☆☆ Let us do a quick check on how that reward (a ring of authority) got into the hand of Haman in the first place.
☆☆☆ If you read Esther 2:19-23, Mordecai was at his duty post.
☆☆☆ Certain ministers of the king plotted against the king to assassinate him.
☆☆☆ Mordecai uncovered the plot and saved the life of the king.
☆☆☆ When you now get to the next chapter and verse 1 which is Esther 3:1, the bible recorded:
_”After these things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman…” – Esther 3:1._
☆☆☆ When you now read further to verse 10, the bible says:
“And the king took his ring from his hand and gave it unto Haman…”.
☆☆☆ Beloved, “after these things”, (referring to how Mordecai saved the life of the king), who should therefore be promoted? Mordecai, of course.
☆☆☆ However, Mordecai was denied what rightfully belonged to him until the death of Haman.
☆☆☆ Mordecai struggled and laboured but somebody else reaped the fruit of his labour.
â– â– â– This struggle must stop.
☆☆☆ A time came in Esther chapter 6 that God remembered Mordecai.
☆☆☆ God will remember you today in Jesus name.
☆☆☆ What Mordecai lost in the past was released to him.
☆☆☆ A ring of authority which he had lost was given back to him and his status changed immediately.
☆☆☆ Mordecai moved from the gate to the palace as second in command to the king.
☆☆☆ The authority backing up the ring actually bestowed upon Mordecai the position hitherto being occupied by Haman.
☆☆☆ Beloved, there are some people who lived all their lives struggling and nothing to show for it.
☆☆☆ Many were even born into struggles and battles.
☆☆☆ The parents struggled and died in their struggles.
☆☆☆ The children now pick up the struggles and continue where their parents stopped.
☆☆☆ Unfortunately, the battles that stopped their parents are now threatening to stop them.
☆☆☆ There are those who labour but are denied the fruits of their labour.
☆☆☆ Most of the happenings in the life of a man are more of spiritual than physical.
☆☆☆ This is why you need to check the story of your family lineage to know if what you are passing through had happened to anyone else in the family.
☆☆☆ When you read the story of the lineage of Abraham in Genesis Chapter 11 from verse 10, you will discover that his father and forefathers encountered delay in child bearing.
☆☆☆ Bible scholars believed that was the reason why Abraham relocated to Haran.
â– â– â– Read Genesis 11:10-32.
☆☆☆ The bible scholars might be right because Sarai (later Sarah) the wife of Abraham, was experiencing barrenness as at that period. 👇
“But Sarai was barren; she had no child” – Genesis 11:30.
☆☆☆ Beloved, your struggles might be more of spiritual than physical.
☆☆☆ Whatever the situation is, there is a God in heaven who is set to put an end to your struggles today in Jesus name.
☆☆☆ Beloved, there are some enemies who must relocate from the surface of the earth to underneath the earth, for you to be fulfilled.
☆☆☆ As long as these enemies are alive, your breakthrough is just a mirage and a dream that may never come to reality.
☆☆☆ If the enemies of the progress of your life remain alive, your struggles may continue.
☆☆☆ These enemies must die so that your struggles will stop.
☆☆☆ How can a man be labouring so hard and somebody else is reaping the rewards of his labour while he remains stagnated!
☆☆☆ This is an aberration and an error.
*â– â– â– This struggle must stop.*
☆☆☆ Haman knew he was not qualified for the reward he got and yet he used his position, bestowed upon him through that reward, to oppress Mordecai; the one who should have been the rightful beneficiary of that reward.
☆☆☆ If you are still praying like the Psalmist, you are praying amiss:
☆☆☆ David prayed and said 👇
“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over” – Psalm 23:5.
☆☆☆ Beloved, these days, your enemies will chase you away from that table immediately it is set.
☆☆☆ Those enemies who are a bit ‘fair’ may turn the owner of the food, on the table, to a beggar.
☆☆☆ So that a rightful owner can now be at the mercy of the usurper.
☆☆☆ Beloved, haven’t you heard cases where some leaders will put the salaries of their staff into a fixed account, yielding interests for them, while the owners of the salaries are starving!
☆☆☆ Some will even sit on the benefits and entitlements of their subordinates while the unfortunate workers’ families are suffering.
*â– â– â– These struggles must stop !!!*
☆☆☆ Please pray these prayers with a holy anger.
1. Oh God my father, put an end to every struggle in my life in Jesus name.
2. My father and my God, don’t allow the battles that stopped my parents to stop me in Jesus name.
3. Father, please restore to me my entitlement hijacked by the wicked.
4. I recover my benefits from every Haman occupying the territory of my breakthrough.
5. I unseat by fire, every power sitting upon my entitlements in Jesus name.
6. Father, don’t let me labour for any Haman to reap.
7. I shut the mouth of every parasite waiting to eat the fruit of my labour.
8. My father, my father, I have been too long on this same level; move me forward by fire in Jesus name.
9. I recover by fire, my ring of authority stolen by the “Haman” of my life in Jesus name.
10. Father, relaese to me that ring of authority that will give me mouth to talk in my marriage.
11. I silence, through death, every Haman standing on my way to the top.
12. I shall not die unfulfilled in Jesus mighty name.
13. Oh God my father, let all my struggles come to an end from today in Jesus name.
14. I shall no longer suffer labour loss in Jesus name.
I decree and declare, every struggle in your life comes to an end today in Jesus name.
Once again, I decree, every Haman reaping the gains of your sweat will lose his seat for you to rise today in Jesus name.
I prophesy, that ring of authority which has eluded you all these years shall be restored this very day in Jesus name.
That ring you need, for you to gain your voice in your husband’s house, receive it now in Jesus name.
To someone out there, reading this prayer message, I decree, that boss of yours in the office denying you of your entitlements shall be relocated this season in Jesus mighty name.
I decree, declare and prophesy, that household enemy who must die for you to reach your goal will be buried this year in Jesus name.
I prophesy, this season, the Lord will restore back to you all that the wicked has swindled off you in Jesus name.
I decree, whatever the enemy has stolen from you, shall be recovered in Jesus name.
Your struggles end today in Jesus mighty name.
I prophesy, you are getting back what rightfully belongs to you in Jesus name.
No one is permitted to deny you the fruit of your labour in Jesus name.
I unseat by fire, anyone who has taken over your seat of honour in Jesus mighty name.
You will be celebrated.
Happy Sunday Everyone.
Happy Day.
Pastor Olutimehin Isaac is a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
For prayers and counselling, please call or send me a watts app message on 08033916074.
You can also connect me on facebook @ Isaac Olutimehin.
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■■■You may also wish to join any of my prayer groups on facebook 👇
God bless you all.