BEHOLD, YOU ARE NAKED : Pastor Isaac Olutimehin



BEHOLD, YOU ARE NAKED : Pastor Isaac Olutimehin

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_Luke 22:64 KJV.
And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?


During the arrest, trial, persecution and crucification of Jesus; he was mocked, reproached and ridiculed.

One interesting aspect of his persecution was when the soldiers blindfolded him.

One of them now struck Jesus on the face and asked him saying, *prophesy, who is it that smote thee?*

How ignorant about the powers of God can people be!

To them, they were so sure that blindfolding Jesus would prevent him from seeing anything.

How wrong and foolish could they be!

These people forgot how the bible described Jesus 👇

*”Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite” – Psalm 147:5.*

I don’t know how you can blindfold somebody whose understanding has no end.

Even before he was arrested, he knew.

He saw the man who struck him on the face even before he raised up his hand to do so.

The soldiers blindfolded Jesus to put him in total darkness. That was funny.

Concerning Jesus, the bible says 👇

*”Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee” – Psalm 139:12.*

The bible is saying here that whether you blindfold him or not, there is no difference.

In darkness, things are as clearer to him as if they are in the light.

*My main point for today*

Through our actions today, most people think they can blindfold Jesus from seeing or knowing what they do in the secret places.

A married man who has another mistress outside, aside his wife but pretending at home as the husband of one wife; cannot blindfold Jesus.
Jesus sees and knows the other woman even by name.

You enter into a room with a lady, shut the door and put off the light; beloved, Alas!!! Your nakedness is exposed.

Remember the story of David and the wife of Uriah. The act was done behind closed doors but God who sees behind closed doors, sent Nathan to expose David. Read 2 Samuel 12:1-7.

The one who inflates a contract but pretends as if all is well cannot blindfold Jesus.
Jesus knows the exact amount that has been fraudulently added.

Are you a female student who leaves home for school and your parents believe that you are in school. Meanwhile you are in a man’s house.
Young lady, you cannot blindfold Jesus.

He knows your exact location and what you are doing at the moment 👇

*And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth – Acts 9:11.*

Uncle, you are responsible for your brother’s death, because you saw him as a threat to you becoming the immediate heir to your father’s property.

Meanwhile, on the day of his burial, you cried the most.

Remember that you cannot blindfold Jesus. He saw you when you added poison to your brother’s food 👇

*Yet they say, The Lord shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it . [9] He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see? – Psalm 94:7,9.*

You stole money from the church purse but you are so sure of your water tight steps taken which nobody can unravel. Hmmmm.

As a pastor, you doctor your financial report to the headquarters at the end of the month.
You are so sure that the auditors won’t discover when they come for auditing.
What about the all seeing God, can you blindfold him?

Beloved, Jesus saw it all and he knew that you are a thief, in charge of the church purse, like your brother; Judas 👇

*This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein” – John 12:6.*

You should however remember the end of Judas, your brother.

Beloved, remember what the bible says concerning you👇

*But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out” – Numbers 32:23.*

In all that we do in the secret, remember, no one can blindfold Jesus beloved. He is the Truth himself 👇

*Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me – John 14:6.*

It doesn’t matter how long falsehood persists, the truth shall surely become manifest at the end.

How can you cover the face of a man and ask him “what is your name”!!!

Will your covering his face stop him from knowing or remembering his name?

The soldiers covered the face of the Truth (Jesus) and now requested him to tell them his name.

That was exactly what they did to Jesus 👇

*Art thou the Christ? tell us. And he said unto them, If I tell you, ye will not believe” – Luke 22:67.*

*Art thou the Christ?*, was another way of asking “what is your name”.

That could be very funny you know.

You are pointing at the sins of your brother, persecuting him and dragging him before the judge;*behold, you are naked.*

Your own sins too are not covered.

In John chapter 8, a lady was cut right in the act of adultery and brought before Jesus.

The Scribes, who brought her, knew the law and the right judgement for the lady; going by the law of Moses.

However, something happened 👇

*So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
[8] And again he stooped down, *and wrote on the ground.*
[9] And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst” – John 8:7-9.*

The bible recorded that Jesus wrote on the ground.
Beloved, it was the secret sins, which the accusers of that lady thought were hidden; that Jesus wrote.

That was why no one could stand after reading what Jesus wrote.


1. Oh God my father, open my eyes to those areas of my life where I need to make amends.

2. Father, don’t allow me to become the accuser of brethren while my own life is seriously crying for repairs.

3. Oh God my father, let your light shine into every dark areas of my life in Jesus name.

4. Father, the mystery about my life that is hidden to me, let the truth be revealed today in Jesus name.

5. Oh God my creator, in the darkest moment of my life, let your light shine.

6. My father and my God, please lift me out of the dungeon of life and take me to the top where you have destined me to be in Jesus mighty name.

7. Father, please cover my nakedness from the prowling eyes of my mockers.

8. Father, please restore to me whatever the enemy has stolen from me in Jesus name.

9. Please Lord, cover me with your glory and make me a shinning light for the whole world to see.

10. Father, don’t allow me to disappoint you and become a waste to my generation.

I decree and declare, may you not be seen, through your actions, as blindfolding Jesus in Jesus name.

I pray for a reader of this message today, may this revelation minister to you so that you can change your ways in Jesus name.

May the one who is the Truth himself, reveal the secret of all the issues bothering your life to you this day in Jesus name.

You are in trouble today because of the actions of somebody, I decree, the revealer of all secrets shall vindicate you in Jesus name.

You will not suffer for a wrong you knew nothing about in Jesus name.

Whatever has been wrongfully taken away from you shall the all seeing God restore back to you in Jesus name.

I decree, declare and prophesy, the secret of the troubler of your Israel shall not be covered in Jesus name.

I decree and declare, any man or woman secretly depleting the bag of your treasures shall be exposed and disgraced in Jesus name.

Where the enemy thought he has succeeded in keeping you stagnated in the dark, concerning the truth that will help you; I prophesy, every darkness around you shall become light in Jesus mighty name.

You are blessed.


Pastor Olutimehin Isaac is a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
For prayers and counselling, please call or send me watts app message on 08033916074.
You can also connect me on facebook @ Isaac Olutimehin.
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▪If you are being blessed by my daily online messages and prayers and you want to join as a partner to support this work, you are most welcome.
▪You can be sure that I will constantly be praying for you.
▪You can send me an inbox message or email or call 08033916074 for more details.
▪God will surely bless your seed sown in Jesus name.

God bless you.

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