Media Correspodent, Amb. Onyenwe Advocates For More Voter Registration Across The South Eastern States Of Nigeria



Media Correspodent, Amb. Onyenwe Advocates For More Voter Registration Across The South Eastern States Of Nigeria

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9News Ambassador Princely Ugochukwu Onyenwe, ‘Opara Owerri Eji EJe Mba’ Imo state Nigeria has called on South Eastern voters to go all out and register to get their permanent voters cards to make the zone more attractive and relevant in the National Politics.


This statement was made at a stakeholders meeting held over the weekend in an undisclosed Hotel in Enugu state Nigeria.

The summit brought together creme-de-la-creme of political scientists, stakeholders, media consultants, political party representatives, artisans, youth groups, capacity women and members of the public from the zone.

The Political scientist, a Human Rights Activists, Grassroots Mobilizer cum Media Consultant, Ambassador Princely Onyenwe stated categorically the pressing need for the South East to advocate for voter registration across the states in the region.

He however pointed that relevant agencies saddled with such prime responsibility must take its work very seriously to put up Jingles, Adverts, roadwalk and community sensitization to inform the public on the importance of having a permanent voters card PVC.

While fielding answers to the question asked by the dignitaries, Ambassador Onyenwe Princely maitained that the only way out to express our franchise is to cast our voter and allow it to count.

He stated that without the voters cards being captured in the electoral machines provided by INEC at various polling booths, there is no how the court can adjudge rightly. He said that the basis of judgement by the Judiciary is the evidence of accredited voters at various polling locations.

I therefore plead for more grassroot sensitization and mobilization of Electorates from various localities to get involve in the continous voters registration excercise going on.

There is also a portal released by INEC to confirm one’s registration status otherwise there are enough provision of INEC Officials assigned to register people.

It may interest our readers to note that Ambassador Princely Onyenwe is the Chief correspodent of 9News Nigeria Owerri and our leadTeam head in investigative reportage.

Dignitaries in attendance who spoke respectively pointed out that the voter apathy is much in the South East zone. They however charged the National Orientation Agency, INEC and the Media to do more sensitisation and educate our rural localities to go out and get voters card PVC.

Opara Owerri Eji EJe Mba Imo state Nigeria added that the advocacy will continue even through 9News Nigeria to educate and enlighten the public range on the benefits of voter registration.

In his words, “I advocates for nore voter education and registration in the south East States to enable the zone have good defense and good standing in the National polity”

“I also urge the legislative arm of Nigerian Government to see reasons to revisit the CONFAB submissions and make good Bills to create a balance in all the Political zones.

“With equity in the Resource control, balance in National appointments, good maintenance culture, prompt enforcement of law and practical Justice procedure, all agitations and apprehension will fizzle out and peace will return to the land, Ambassador Princely Onyenwe opined.

With his wide knowledge in Political permutations and combinations and expansion in media practice and human rights activism in the NIGERIAN system, Ambassador Onyenwe frowned at the rigidity and insensitive of government to address pressing needs of the people and failure to improve and develop the country.

He call on South Easterners to make use of these numbers shown in the data below and engage more voters to get PVC.

By so doing, at least other zones will begin to take South East serious. I’m the chat, the margin is not that much when compared with the other zones except South West and North West probably because of Lagos, Kaduna and Kano states.

We must equally consider the fact that Igbos have sizeable numbers in those big cities too and grassroot voters education will create more consciousness across the Federation.

However participation should be Paramount in the SouthEast more than any other thing, doing less than 25% of that big number when compared to other zones doing 35% and above is quite appalling.

Voting period is not a time for sit out in a joint or relaxation, more sensitisation and voters strength must begin to count henceforth.

In futherance, Opara Owerri Eji EJe Mba stated that as the electioneering time ticks, there is no doubt the public will rage while the politicians feed fat.

He said, there is no doubt, the season is here again when empty promises by semblance of politicians across party linings dominate the center stage.

In the execution stage all promises will still be to no avail running down the plights of the people and setting up some useless and unproductive templates to syphon public funds.

He expressed happiness that the people are familiar with such rhetorics and gimmicks by same recycled business Politicians, while recalling the days of Bamiyi when 419ers were stamped down but regrettedly, it was later baptized with Politicking.

The leaders that claim to be representing various degrees of constituents use their people to settle their issues and make their money while the Society keep decaying.

They consume public funds and send across fake reports to their leader superiors to appease their minds against the demands of the masses.

It is no longer a laughing matter to say that things have fallen apart since the center cannot hold the required Leadership Nigerians have yearned for.

How best can the system improve without good leaders, good environment and good policies?

“All we do in this clime is POLITRICKS and continuous PADDING of weak policies rather than improving the system of government and enacting good laws to suit the people and attract needed developments.

Through this global medium, the Youth Ambassador and media guru has called on the people of South East Zone to understand the National political calculations and permutations and mobilize their voters to get PVC to win elections.

9News Nigeria (Owerri)
For inquiries on this news contact 9News Nigeria Imo State @08036856526

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