Pastor closes church after winning 100m from sport bet


Pastor closes church after winning 100m from sport bet

A Ugandan pastor is trending after winning over 100 million from sports betting and closing his church.

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According to an online outlet, the said pastor confessed that he has been struggling to make ends meet through the collection tithe.


“I must admit that I opened this church due to ‘greed’ but not anointing. I saw how several pastors make money through the crowds they have and making fake prophesies to attract more,” he narrated.

“As time went on, I realized this wasn’t right, I started having sleepless nights and I would always have weird dreams. Before I opened this church, everything was normal on my side, even without money, I didn’t get any strange dreams, so, I decided to abolish this and look for other ways of making money.

So one day, a notification pops up on my phone about fixed games, It was an interesting story, and I followed it to the dot. I got the website link, and sacrificed the 1m I had to pay for these games, surprisingly, it took me about a month to receive the games.

They told me, they had issues with their system and also the process of securing games takes time, I almost gave up and called them scammers but they contacted me with the details, and wow! I went full swing. I got an odd of 700,”

“I had to stop the church because I had got my ways of making money, until now, I have made a lot that I never imagined I would ever get in my life.”å

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